Want to train for a specific sport?
Talk to us about what sport you are training for, and what goals you have e.g. a specific race you want to peak for. We’ll help you set out your goals and put together training plans for you. If you’d like to take advantage of Nick’s considerable experience, there are a few spots available for coaching. You will need Gold-Level membership.
Here are some benefits of hiring your Virtual Health Club Personal Trainer:
1. Set specific goals with your trainer’s help and guidance
2. Bespoke programs tailored especially for you
3. Get more out of each workout for the most efficient use of your time and effort and for huge increases in progress
4. Motivation is easier to maintain when you have a trainer
5. More accountability so you are more focused and less likely to skip sessions!
6. Greater variety in your workouts ensures they are more fun and interesting, plus maximum physical benefits
7. No intimidation, being shouted at, or criticising. Only positive help, instruction and encouragement
8. Help to carry out each exercise with correct form for your health & safety and for best results
9. Achieve results beyond what you thought was possible!
10. Regular monitoring of weight, body-fat percentage and a host of other measures so you can see your progress against your starting position, and against your goals
To get started, sign up now forGold-Level membership.