I’m sure you have hopes and goals for your life. How long have you had these goals? Perhaps years? Have you made any progress towards achieving those goals? Here’s a question for you – are you stuck in the rut of your routine? If you’re struggling, take heart, you’re not alone. It is human nature to get into a routine, and it can be hard to break out of it, even if it is not helping you move forward.
Routine can be the killer of progress. If you’re stuck in your routine, you may struggle to move forward, and achieve what you want. But, on the other hand, you can use the power of your daily routine to effect big changes in your life.

Use the Power of Your Routine
Here’s how to do it.
Step 1. Take a sheet of paper and write down your current daily routine. Jot down everything you do, from what time you get up in the morning, to what time you go to bed. Make a note of what you routinely do during your day.
Step 2. Now take a look at the daily schedule you have set out. Take a look at where there is spare time, and where there may be things that you do that take time up, but are not useful to you. Where are there opportunities for making changes? Take a look at what time is available to you and ask yourself questions such as can you change your get-up time, or your bedtime? How much time is wasted, maybe watching TV in the evenings, or perhaps lying in bed on a Sunday morning. Where can you fit in activities that will move you towards your goals, for example, for fitness and weight-loss goals, where can you fit-in a workout. Could you fit in a workout at lunchtime? Or maybe before or after work.