Most people have things that they want. Take a sculpted body, for example. Most people would like to lose weight, get fit and look fabulous. Now, here’s a powerful secret to achieving what you want.

Be the New You
The trick is to ‘be’ the person you want to be. That means you have to put-on the persona that you choose first, before you actually achieve what you want.
Imagine what the new you looks like and then step into that imagined person and become her or him.
When you take on the persona, you will automatically start to behave in keeping with that persona. And then, you will reap the rewards (or otherwise!) of those behaviours. This is quite hard to explain in a short message, but hopefully an example will help.
Say you want a sculpted body. You know you need to eat healthily, and workout in order to achieve what you want, but life gets in the way and you end up not doing what you set out to do, or not often enough, and so you don’t achieve what you want. This is a familiar story for most people.
The trick is to step into the persona of what you want. Become the person you want to be. Become that healthy, slim and fit person, and behave accordingly. “Want a second helping?” “Oh no thanks”. Your brain will start to automatically make the right choices once you take on the persona of the new-you. Workout planned for Monday night? Work pressures threatening to cancel your workout? “Sorry, I’ve got to go to boot-camp…”
You could try picking a person that you know, or maybe a celebrity if it helps you to define what you’re looking for. How does that person behave? They eat healthily and workout in order to maintain that beautiful, fit and sculpted body. (If you do use a celebrity, be careful not to take on a diva persona! What we’re looking for here is the putting-your-goals-first-attitude).
So you know what you need to do…
Imagine what the new you looks like and then step into that imagined person and become her or him.
When you take on the persona, you will automatically start to behave in keeping with that persona. And then, you will reap the rewards (or otherwise!) of those behaviours. This is quite hard to explain in a short message, but hopefully an example will help.
Say you want a sculpted body. You know you need to eat healthily, and workout in order to achieve what you want, but life gets in the way and you end up not doing what you set out to do, or not often enough, and so you don’t achieve what you want. This is a familiar story for most people.
The trick is to step into the persona of what you want. Become the person you want to be. Become that healthy, slim and fit person, and behave accordingly. “Want a second helping?” “Oh no thanks”. Your brain will start to automatically make the right choices once you take on the persona of the new-you. Workout planned for Monday night? Work pressures threatening to cancel your workout? “Sorry, I’ve got to go to boot-camp…”
You could try picking a person that you know, or maybe a celebrity if it helps you to define what you’re looking for. How does that person behave? They eat healthily and workout in order to maintain that beautiful, fit and sculpted body. (If you do use a celebrity, be careful not to take on a diva persona! What we’re looking for here is the putting-your-goals-first-attitude).
So you know what you need to do…