Here’s how to load up with carbohydrates (carb load), in the week before your marathon race, so you are well-fuelled for your big day.
Here’s how to load up with carbohydrates (carb load), in the week before your marathon race, so you are well-fuelled for your big day.
Franco Iannotta, Milton Keynes wrote: “Thanks to Nick Mitchell for a great Marathon plan, it clearly worked”
Virtual Health Club’s Nick Mitchell is coaching a team of over 40 runners from Audi UK who will run in the Milton Keynes Half-Marathon 2011
Press Release 25 April 2010 from VirtualHealthClub.com Summary: Nick ‘The Machine’ Mitchell – is a seasoned marathon runner but three years ago, he was crippled with a heel injury and was unable to walk, let alone run. Here he tells…
Most people would think of having a massage after a marathon, but here’s why you should schedule a massage in the days leading up to your race.
This simple tip for race day will prevent you from making this basic and common mistake which can cause stress and worry on race-day, possibly discomfort and even in extreme cases, prevent you from running.
This technique is used by top athletes to give them the edge when preparing for a big race. Now you can use it too, to achieve your marathon-goal (or any other race distance).
Here’s a useful tip for how to utilise the preparation for your long Sunday run, to train your brain for race-day for a slick and relaxed performance on the day