Here’s a video showing you how to do the exercise High Knees.
Boot-Camp Circuits Class in Milton-Keynes, UK, Mondays, 6-7pm. £5
Meet outside the staff entrance at the side of the building which overlooks the lake at the back of the Volkswagen showroom, Blakelands, Milton Keynes
This class is held outdoors. If the weather is inclement, the class will be under cover.
Come along, whatever your fitness level – you work at your own level. Nick will take you through a workout that will burn calories, improve all-round fitness and help to sculpt your body.
Class includes gentle warm-up, stretching and cool-down.
Everyone overindulges from time-to-time. Here are some crucial tips on what to do when this is you.
Most people would think of having a massage after a marathon, but here’s why you should schedule a massage in the days leading up to your race.
This simple tip for race day will prevent you from making this basic and common mistake which can cause stress and worry on race-day, possibly discomfort and even in extreme cases, prevent you from running.
This technique is used by top athletes to give them the edge when preparing for a big race. Now you can use it too, to achieve your marathon-goal (or any other race distance).