Here’s a useful tip for how to utilise the preparation for your long Sunday run, to train your brain for race-day for a slick and relaxed performance on the day
Here’s a useful tip for how to utilise the preparation for your long Sunday run, to train your brain for race-day for a slick and relaxed performance on the day
As your race progresses you will begin to tire and your gait (running style) and posture may start to deteriorate. This will make your progress towards the finish line more difficult. This simple tip will help keep your stride relaxed and free-flowing.
If you’d like to join us in Milton Keyes,England for boot-camp circuits, please print off and sign this disclaimer, and hand it in when you get to class. Thank-you )
Keeping fuelled for your marathon is important if you want to finish. Here are some tips for keeping nourished for a successful race.
Why you should pay attention to what your running kit is made of so as to avoid joggers nipple
Suitable trainers are a key part of your running equipment and essential to help reduce the possibility of injury. Here’s an important aspect about shoes that you may not know.
I’ve seen this happen to beginners and even experienced runners, and it’s an all-too-common mistake that often means the runner screws up their race time, or often doesn’t finish at all. Here’s how to avoid it.
Don’t let injury stop you running your marathon. After weeks of dedication to your training it would be very frustrating to get struck down by injury. There are some simple rules you need to follow to reduce the possibility of injury preventing you from training or competing in the race.
A handy list of items to bring with you to your boot-camp class.
Here are some details on why muscles ache after exercise, and why, if your muscles ache, you should be pleased!